XIII - Where The Indian's Going..., Page 14

Are you carrying on with the game, General?

I see you've still got good reflexes, Rowland.

Even so you're out of practice. Of course I asked Jones not to push you too hard.

Of course… General or not, I'd love to give you a demonstration of my reflexes…

That's enough of that, Captain Rowland! The purpose of this little demonstration was to remind you that every move you make to stay alive was burned into your neurons by ME…

I have made you into the man you are. An exceptional man, capable of fighting any adversary and capable of surviving in any circumstances. I tought you everything, Steve Rowland. Me, Ben Carrington, you're like a son to me…

But seeig as how you no longer seem to have any confidence in me, you can find someone else to take you in. Jones will take you back to your family.

To… My family?

Southburg, Captain. This is where you grew up…

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