XIII - Where The Indian's Going..., Page 20

Who the hell is this guy?

It can't be… It looks like… Steve… Steve Rowland…

Rowland's son!?

But that's not possible!…

They said that he was dead!

Well he's not anymore! Now get the hell out of here! I'd like to spend some time alone with my family.

Sweet suffering Jesus, it's unbelievable!

Do you believe in ghosts?

Ask Clive if he believes in them. Have you seen his hand?

I'll tell you what, things could change around here…

Change what? A Rowland, father or son, is still from the same rotten stock…

I have to say that I'd have prefered a more discreet arrival…

S… Steve??… It's you?… It's really you!?…

So you're Jeremy's son then?

And you must be Felicity, I guess.

Welcome home Steve, and thanks for stepping in.

By all the saints in heaven… MASTER STEVE!!…

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