XIII - Red Alert, Page 9

God damn! I didn't think "They" would dare! But how, Carl? What's their justification?

I have absolutely no idea. They'll be coming for me in the next few minutes, I guess. This is obviously a well planned coup to get rid of everyone who was close to the Sheridan family… And the two of us are top of their list.

It's way too late for me now, they're already here. Run, Ben! You've got to go now and go to ground! You're our only hope!

You were right: They're going to use your full scale manoeuvres as a cover for their coup d'etat. You absolutely must find Fly in the next four days before TOTAL RED ALERT goes ahead, if not we'll loose everything. Do you hear me Ben? Get the hell out of there and…

Carl?… CARL?!…


Bloody hellfire! Not Carl!… If those bastards think that old Ben Carrington is going down that easily they'll have a nasty shock when…

Put the gun down, General Carrington! It's far to late for any last minute heroics…

General Carrington, in the name of the President I am arresting you for conspiracy to murder, plotting to undermine the state and HIGH TREASON!

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